It's about a girl named Kagome who lives in year 1995. She lives in a shrine with her grandfather, mother, and her little brother, Sota. One day, on Kagome's 15th birthday, she was off to school when she saw Sota in the well shrine beside her house. Sota was looking for bouyo, their cat, who he said went down to the well. Sota was too scared to go down to the well to look for him. So, Kagome went down, and when she found bouyo and picked him up, behind her was the well. And there was a strange sound coming from it. Then a demond pulled her in. She found out she was in the fedal area, Tokyo's past. The demond was after Kagome. And Kagome turned out to be a recarbanation of a preistist named Kikyou. And the demond was after her because in her hip was a jewel called the Sacred Shikon Jewel of 4 souls. Then the demond attacks her again and takes out the jewel from her body. What the jewel does is it makes demonds 1000 times stronger. And to stop the demond from destroying everything. Kagome must awaken a stronger half-demond dog, Inuyasha. When he awakens he destroys the demond, but Inuyasha wants the jewel for himself to turn into a full felged demond and become stronger. Inuyasha tries to take the jewel from Kagome by force. Kagome had met an old lady named Kaede, who was Kikyou older sister. And in order to stop Inuyasha, she puts a rosery necklace on him. So everytime Kagome says sit, Inuyasha is forced to fall to the ground. Inuyasha isn't stronge enough to take the rosery off. Inuyasha is also in love with Kikyou, the preistist who sealed Inuyasha to a tree because she throught he betrayed her, and he thoght she betrayed him. But acctully, a powerfull half-demond named Naraku, made them think they betrayed each other. Inuyasha is now harmless to Kagome thanks to the rosery. Kagome can travel from the fedial area to the modern world when ever she wishes by going through the well that connects the 2 times togther, but also can Inuyasha. Also, when Kagome was protecting the jewel, she accsidently broke it and it got sactured all over Japan. Now Inuyasha and Kagome are forced to team up in search of the jewels. And over time, they gane some team mates, a boy fox demond named Shippo, a perverted monk named Miroku, a girl demond slayer named Sango, and a girl cat demond named Kirara (Kilala in English anime). Also during the series Kikyou is revived, Inuyasha ganes a crush on Kagome and can't help but blush when he's near her, Sango falls for Miroku, a wolf demond that likes Kagome named Koga appears and turns into Inuyasha's rival, and Inuyasha gets a magical sword called the tetsaiga. Hope this summary was helpfull!<(~_*)>
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