however, when he began the trip used the carriage, came a young man was named Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf). The Mutt arrival looked for Indy because he was asked for by his mother who was becoming the troops's Russian prisoner. When meeting Indy, Mutt at once gave the letter and a sheet of guidance of the map of treasure made by the friend Indy, of Professor Oxley (John Hurt), that was lost mysteriously. Indy that knew true the method of Ox berteka-teki, began to translate the guidance and to try to look for the Kristal Skull. Indy and Mutt carried out the adventure broke the artificial Ox puzzle. The two of them flew towards Peru. It was lucky, both of them succeeded in finding the Kristal Skull.
however, their trip was not as smooth as the assumption. The Indy step and Mutt were sensed by the Russian spy that evidently the friend Indy, Mac (Ray Winstone). They then was brought to the troops's Russian post. Was not supposed, there Indy met Ox that became the Russian prisoner as well as your mother of Mutt that evidently the Indy fiance in the past, Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen). At that time, the Ox condition very worrying. The spirit Ox was disturbed was proper for the sufferer was sick the spirit. This was caused by Ox too long gazed at the Kristal Skull eyes that radiated the rays. The struggle was for the sake of the struggle carried out by Indy and his friend to seize again the Kristal Skull. They wanted to return the skull to his place.
The film Indiana Jones was the quite phenomenal adventure film. Beginning with Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom (1984), and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), all of them panned for gold the success and the high interest from the lover of the film. Currently, after almost 19 years, Indiana Jones emerged again with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. That distinguished with the series Indiana Jones beforehand was beforehand the Indy hunting was connected with Nazi. Now, the adventure was connected with the creature from the other dimension (could be mentioned AND or Alien). The fourth series Indiana Jones did not lose interesting with the series beforehand. However, possibly because of the time that influenced tren the film as well as so many adventure films and the hunting of similar treasure, made the theme this film story seemed the market. Not only that, the end the film story could easily was guessed was proper for the hunting film of other treasure. Spoke concerning the quality of acting of the players, might not be made hesitate.
this film could be watched in the cinema from May 22 2008. The title: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull the Director: Steven Spielberg the Genre: Action, Adventure the Player: Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Shia LaBeouf, John Hurt, Karen Allen the Production: Paramount Pictures. (ang).
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