WHAT IT IS LIKE when you could see what was not printed in the eyes of the other person, heard that was not heard by the other person and felt what was not felt to be other by the person? You felt something will happen, but you did not know that what. That sixth sense or the hallucination completely? The primary school girl in Massachusetts, during 1959, was named Lucinda Embry, blind about the future. However he the key to the prediction of destruction of the earth alias doomsday. Lucinda was known as the mysterious pupil, tampang him sad, gloomy and often did not speak. The most foreign noose in the class. However, he had the secret that made all his life be full of the question mark. One day, Lucinda's school held the agenda buried a time capsule. The capsule that will be opened came back 50 years afterwards that was full of the envelope. In the envelopes contained the picture of era children in the 50 's about the future. Strangely, not the picture that dicoretkan Lucinda in paper, but the random figure. He wrote figures with very fast, and so his teacher, Ms Taylor,Seized the paper. Don't wrong! Not Lucinda the figure maniac, he only wrote followed whisperings on his ears that did not can be heard the other person. During the burial of the time capsule, Lucinda suddenly vanished. He disappeared. Everyone looked for him. The official of the school was then mobilised. Ms Taylor had finally found Lucinda. The small girl was in the cupboard in the saddening condition, his finger was smeared with blood. In 2009, during him the time capsule was lifted from the grave. All the pupils fought for mutual envelopes. Caleb, one of the pupils, got the envelope belonging to Lucinda. Initially, the father Caleb, John Koestler considered the envelope of only fads of past children. However, Caleb tried convincing, the envelope possibly useful. It was curious, John that was professional as a professor afterwards studied each random digit that was sealed in this old paper. Relied googling, John realised the figures not the normal figure. The figures exact referred in several tragedies that claimed extraordinary casualties, including the unlucky incident that claimed his wife, your mother of Caleb, until making John did not believe the Lord.After the day, the life father-child this changed. Remain at three disasters that did not yet happen in 2009. How did John overcome this situation? Now Caleb that tuna rungu since being born must hear whisperings, as that was heard by Lucinda. John worried at the same time the fear, Caleb will be following figure casualties. But he was not possible to run away from this fate. After fighting as hard as possible, to investigate the disaster as well as to follow again the tracks of Lucinda Embry, John got the answer. Knowing was a work novel of Ryne Douglas Pearson, that afterwards was translated in the form of the film under the direction of the director Alex Proyas. The film that was released by the first time on March 20 2009, this was close with nuances thriller that was gloomy enough. Might be counted, almost all the characterisations in the story drained emotions and the nervousness. The core from the message that wanted to be sent by the writer apparently was not far the difference from the The Eye film. However, the film that was starred in by Nicolas Cage this was superior in the level the depth narrated. Why not, Pearson dared to lift the side of spirituality that Uptil now was identical to the East world. He united him with the scientific level, technology, and the pattern thought realistic in the style of the Western World. But, Knowing not the ghost's film. Pearson the success smuggled the idea at the same time mendekonstruksi by chance about the history of the universe creation. Aesthetics thought the writer as though forcing open the understanding of the individual of reality and the truth of the history of civilisation. That all that happened in the world has been written, was recorded neat: that was born, that died, that came and that went. And only 'that was chosen' that will create the new generation after ate Khuldi. You might believe, might also not. Because this only the film, only related: the reconstruction from the construction on reality, that could be still being believed in by you, could also not.
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